Adventure Bike Travel Club

Introducing a whole new approach to group travel!

Imagine this: You’re riding your bike with your friends on some curvy roads in a faraway place. There are hardcore climbs, stellar views and killer descents. You finish at a local pub and there’s a group dinner later in the evening. Or, imagine bikepacking through pristine wilderness, camping as you go and with no email or traffic noise for a hundred miles. 

Now, imagine repeating for a few days (or more!) without having to worry about the details. And imagine it not costing all that much ‘cause your friend is doing all the organizing!

If this sounds appealing, then you need to join the Bicycle Sportive Travel Club!

How it works:

BSTC trips are developed and led by volunteer club members (“Trip Leaders”). On some overseas rides the trip leader will plan the tour in conjunction with a commercial tour operator and the commercial operator will lead parts of the trip.

The Trip Leader makes all decisions concerning the features of the trip and qualifications of the participants.

Trips will vary widely in difficulty. View our Ride Rating System.

Lodging is pre-arranged and meals vary from modest to deluxe.

Trips will be posted on the website along with an estimated cost. 

Club members apply to join trips through the club website.

The total amount of the trip is split by the group and the trip leader’s share is absorbed in split. This means you will be riding and vacationing ON THE CHEAP.